What sets Unigro apart from its direct competitors?
The controlled environment GroDome and GroRoom ranges developed by Unigro offers a flexible solution for quality research. Unigro products incorporate the latest technological developments to maintain a sustainable solution. Unigro offers the complete turnkey package from project conception to commissioning with full after sales maintenance.
Do you have case studies or industry articles?
Yes, Unigro has several useful resources that may be of interest to you.
Please visit our case studies section.
Are your designs developed in-house?
Yes, each project is designed in-house to accommodate the clients specific needs and any site restrictions.
Does Unigro's design criterion incorporate energy savings?
Yes, the fundamental design criterion for the Unigro range of products is to offer financial and environmental sustainability.
Can I see an operational facility?
Yes, Unigro maintains an ongoing relationship with all its clients and can arrange for a potential client to visit an operational facility.
Can Unigro assume the role of Principal Contractor?
Yes, 50% of current and past contracts have required Unigro to take on this role with the responsibilities it demands.
What is the procedure for acquiring a quotation?
1. Contact one of our design team to discuss your specific requirements
2. Unigro will then prepare a draft specification with drawings for design approval
3. Once agreed in principle a detailed price will be produced for discussion.
4. If budgetary restrictions are highlighted, the design will be reviewed to accommodate the client without jeopardising the basic integrity of the product offered or its applications.